SUB007 :: GRUESOME BODYPARTS AUTOPSY (chile) :: An extremely rotten and preservated compendium of limbless torsos for sexual purposes

CD1 | 36 tracks
– Delightful demonstration of a finished putrefaction (ep cd 2021)
– With Sebum Excess Production / Inopexia / Endotoxaemia (Split cd 2019)
– Active rotting process in decay / infinitive hatred towards humanity (Split CD 2019 W/Human Atrocity)
– Active rotting process in decay (demo version 2019- unreleased)
CD2 | 57 tracks
– 5 ways of rotted slow by chronic diseases (Split cd 2017)
– Hepatobiliopancreatic Procedures / Putrefactive Cranial Nectar Leaks From Wrecked Skull (Split 7″ 2015 w/butcher M.D.)
– Pyemesis / Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy (Split Tape 2014 W/Pyemesis)
– The Obscured Putrefaction (Demo 2014-Unreleased)
– Extreme Carbonized Bodyparts (Split Cdr 2013 W/Pulmonary Fibrosis)
– Last Days Of Humanity (Cover 2013 – Unreleased)
– The Infernal Gorenoise Torture (Split CDR 2013 W/the Corpse In The Crawlspace / Mutilated Travesti On The Road / Varanus Komodoensis)
– Cannibal Anatomy (Ep Cdr 2012)
– Reheasal (2011 – Unreleased)
– Rigor Mortis In Progress (Demo Cdr 2010)
Technical data:
Title | .. Gruesome bodyparts autopsy..
Code | ..SUB007..
Release date | ..15.07.2023..
Total Lenght | ..110:26..
Layout | by Dario Ursino
Marks | Available on regular version and limited “medical waste” version
Limited | 100 handnumbered copies, comes packaged inside a “biohazard” plastic bag and with some stickers
Copro.duction | Despite The Sun Records
SUB006 :: DISGORGE (aus) :: Sawn off throat gun

CD1 | 67 tracks
– Give the sick more say (Demotape, 1992)
– Ugly bands (Split Lathe Cut with Warsore, 1995)
– Luquid sludge (Split 7″ with Gory Beyond Necropsy, 1996)
– Track on “Noise against the machine” compilation 7″, 1995
– Hunt the body (Tape, 1997)
– Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em (Split tape with Warsore, 1998)
CD2 | 55 tracks
– Live at “The Great Britain”, Richmond, Melbourne (AUS, 1994)
– Live at “Madlove Bar”, Adelaide (AUS, 1997)
– Live to air / Interview at “3cr Radio Studios”, Collingwood (AUS, 1996)
Technical data:
Title | ..Sawn off throat gun..
Code | ..SUB006..
Release date | ..02.01.2022..
Total Lenght | ..117:08..
Layout | by Dario Ursino
Marks | Available on regular and limited version
Limited | 100 handnumbered copies, comes with 2 stickers and silk-printed patch in DIY box package
Copro.duction | Zas Autoproduzioni Records
SUB005 :: ANTIGAMA [pol] / PSYCHOFAGIST [ita] :: 9 psalms for an antimusic to come

01 | Missing the past
02 | Paranoia prima
03 | For just one breath
04 | Finito
05 | Apophtegma nonsense
06 | Carne marcia tremula
07 | Initiation
08 | Aritmia
09 | Misery is the river of the world
Technical data:
Title | ..9 psalms for an antimusic to come..
Code | ..SUB005..
Release date | ..12.01.2012..
Total Lenght | ..30:03..
Recorded | at Progresja Studio (Warsaw, Poland) during Januar 2011 | Antigama
Mixed | by Szymon (Czech) during April 2011 | Antigama
Recorded and Mixed | at Go!Go!Go!Sound Studios during April 2011 | Psychofagist
Mastered | at NewMastering by Maurizio Giannotti
Artwork and Layout | by Diego Maniscalco
Band web | facebook | Antigama
Band web | facebook | Psychofagist
SUB004 :: PSYCHOFAGIST [ita] :: Il secondo tragico

01 | Uomo o merda
02 | Tema: collasso
03 | Untitled (black on grey 69/70)
04 | Nouvelle de spasticité & épilepsie
05 | Defragmentation rotunda
06 | Il secondo tragico
07 | Corpuscle
08 | Pithecanthropus sapiens sapiens
09 | Biodegradazioni
10 | Free-non-jazz powerviolence sonata
Technical data:
Title | ..Il secondo tragico..
Code | ..SUB004..
Release date | ..11.11.2009..
Total Lenght | ..32:04..
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered | at Go!Go!Go!Sound Studios during august/september 2009
Artwork and Layout | by Elena Rapa
Marks | Edited in delux slipcase, Eraldo Bernocchi guitars/electronics on [x]
Band web | facebook | Psychofagist
SUB003 :: INSANE ASSHOLES [ita] :: Grindzilla

01 | Grindzilla is coming
02 | World… fear & shit
03 | 10 secondi di intermezzo
04 | The woman with the chainsaw
05 | Sound of my hystericaaargh
06 | Obscene: fear in elevator
07 | Arghburparghburp argh!
08 | Latest sickness part I
09 | Inutilità e suicidio
10 | You made a monster
11 | I slay my sound engineer
12 | Holy scum
13 | Grindzilla
14 | You must suffer again
15 | Delirium 2
16 | The revenge of uncle brutal
17 | Brain dead teaches me how to…
18 | The grind’n’roll carbonara groove
19 | This morning I made a grind…
20 | Legalize the cannibalism
21 | Il sabba degli ignoranti
22 | Sadoko’s eye
23 | The ballad of thrash metal
24 | Latest sickness part II
25 | When Derek killed the aliens
26 | 4 psynsane bastards [x]
27 | L’inferno di Ash
28 | La fine?
Technical data:
Title | ..Grindzilla..
Code | ..SUB003..
Release date | ..01.09.2006..
Total Lenght | ..42:49..
Recorded | at Heartbeat Studios of Mirano (VE) Italy by Leonardo Castellani in February 2005
Mixed | by Insane Assholes and Leonardo Castellani
Mastered | by Luca Minieri
Artwork and Layout | by Diego Maniscalco
Marks | Guest vocals on [x] Andrea “Dahmer” (Bastard Saints), Marcello and Stefano (Psychofagist)
SUB002 :: CEPHALIC CARNAGE [usa] :: Conforming to abnormality

01 | Anaechoic chamber
02 | Jihad
03 | Analytical
04 | Regalos de mota
05 | Extreme of paranoia
06 | A. Z. T.
07 | Waiting for the millennium
08 | Observer to the obliteration on earth +++
09 | Regurgitation adnauseam and fecal decay +++
Technical data:
Title | ..Conforming to abnormality..
Code | ..SUB002..
Release date | ..01.07.2005..
Total Lenght | ..37:53..
The Story | We read tons of shit about this re-release. What follows is the other side of the story: in the 1998 the CC band signed a contract with Headfucker Records. They transferred to this label the property of the master. The HF owner met CC in a Italian 2005 tour date. They were happy to repress the debut cd with Subordinate. Headfucker sold us the license and after a couple of emails with CC to define again clearly the terms of payment to the band, CC agreed to get a percentage of all the copies pressed. The cd was released. Straight after we announced them that the cd’s were ready, we started to receive emails full of insults and sentences like the following: “We would like say NO”, “we want money”. They purposed us to pay an amount of money to sell the master, but after our “OK” they, once again, changed their purposal and told us it was over. Finally: the band considers this re-release a bootleg even if, at the beginning, they were happy to have their first work re-issued by us. Make your own idea on this story. We were fans of CC.
SUB001 :: PSYCHOFAGIST [ita] :: s/t

01 | Non.Rational.Algebra
02 | High minded martyrs [x]
03 | Io ti dono la pace
04 | Emo – clasis
05 | La ballata della repulsione
06 | Come cieco
07 | Unstable?
08 | Tema: delirio
09 | 21th century schizoid god
10 | Traces of ephemeral steadiness
11 | Al tramonto dell’io
12 | Strage
Technical data:
Title | ..Psychofagist..
Code | ..SUB001..
Release date | ..13.12.2004..
Total Lenght | ..27:28…
Recorded, mixed and mastered | at Starstruck Studio Copenaghen (DK) during july 2004
Artwork and Layout | by Diego Maniscalco
Marks | addictional vocals by Anders Lundemark. Lyrics on [x] by Jason “Jaska” Netherton (misery index)
Band web | facebook | Psychofagist